After hearing all the comments from family and friends, the students took some time to quickly write little letters for you to read. Here they are:

Hey Mom and Dad,
Don't worry I'm not being bad! I miss you all, even though I'm playing football! We are having fun, playing in the sun. Hope I'll hear about you soon, maybe before noon?
Love Amber

Hello Mom and Dad. I am very happy. We played football and the first match we had we lost 2-1, I was sad to lose. I am sad that you are not with me. I am tired because of hours of riding.
Hey Mom and Dad,
Reunion is fun, it is good. I miss you. Kiss you and Leanne also. I am playing football, basketball everyday. See you Friday. I think all of the family is fine.
Miss you - Cloe
Guuude Vadder,
Wie gehts dir so? Wir haben schon richtig viel er kundet. Haben auch schon viel FuBball gespielt.
Ever Finn
Hi everyone, it's Geneta,
We are having a good time and can you say dad if he can take me in the airport with the moto. We played football and I put two goals in with a group that we don't know and one goal in another game with just us. Please write more comments. Love you all, missing you. I am missing Instagram!!! LOVE YOU ALL.
Dear Parents, Hannah and Nathan,
I miss you a lot. I don't think that my luggage is very neat, so I am sorry for that. I was just awesome at soccer and basketball. Always thinking about baby brother Nathan. I think I am going to change from Aeronautical to Astronautical Engineer. :-p
Sincerely yours, Hans.
Iza Grace:
Chere Parents,
C'est tres bien a La Reunion! Vous me manquer beaucoup beaucoup, je pense a vous. Je m'amuse bien. Par contre il fait froid. Mais ca m'enpeche pas de m'amuse. Mais je pense souvant a vous. Merci maman pour l'echarpe c'est tres ultile. Je vous aime gros bisou, Iza.
Iza Grace
Dear Mom and Dad,
I am missing you a lot. I am having a lot of fun. But I want to stay here in Reunion Island. I love you all. May the Lord bless you. Love from Julie.
P.S: I am also enjoying playing football here in Reunion.
Dear Mom and Dad and Eugenie,
I miss u. I'm having a great time. I never knew that I was fine at football. By the way mom, I put on my jumper.
xxx Maia
P.S: I'm having a great time!
Dear Everyone,
I miss you very much. I'm having fun at Reunion Island. I will try to buy stuff for you there. Ella, be a good girl. Calvin, don't play too much on the PS3. Josh, don't get angry. Mom, I love you. Hannah, study well and have fun in Taiwan.
Love May-Ann
Hi Mom, Hi Dad,
I am very happy and I played football with another school, it was very fun. Did Alia call me? I am missing my phone and please bring my phone to the airport.  I want to do horse riding. Can I buy my thing in Reunion Island please? I love you, bye - Mazarine.
Dear Mom and Dad,
It is so cool! I've had such a good experience so far. From playing one basketball game and four soccer matches. Two with other schools made me very stiff! I mean very stiff. I'm doing good and missing you. From Nathan.
Hello People,
We are having a great time at football, basketball. We are really enjoying it. Thank you mom and dad for sending me here. Love you all. Oh, and I love horses now. When I went on it did not want to get off. Mom, write something PLEASE. Ok don't worry. We are also learning, and by the way I scored a goal. Philou xoxo

Dear Mom and Dad,
I want to do horse riding again. Hope to see you soon. We won 7-1 against the other school at football.
Love Raphaelle

Hey Mom and Dad,
I miss you so much. We are having so much fun. It's really cold at night. We're playing football and basketball. I hope all the family is fine. We went horse riding, it was lovely. Miss you and the dogs, see you soon at the airport.
Love Sarah

Dear Mom and Dad,
I was very near to vomit in the plane. On the first night I did not sleep too well. The Reunion trip is so cool. We are eating a lot of nice food. May God bless you all.
Love Wayne.
