This morning was bright and early with everyone being ready for devotions. Mr. Kaiyo shared that we need to seek the Lord with all our hearts. To honour God by being more respectful of others. Soon after it was breakfast time and loads of bread was quickly devoured. After the rooms, beds and suitcases were made right, time was squeezed in for some 4 square of course!
Back in the classroom briefly, the students were told what was going to happen for the morning. It was time to see the sun! All the students gathered outside on the terrace and were given an excellent overview of the sun and how to be safe to look at it.
Psalm 119

Maia getting into the action.


Classroom terrace to see the sun.

Safe way to see the sun.

How long before it burns??

To see the sun and its solar flares.

Claudie instructing the students off a poster.

Fun without the sun - Nathan and Mr. Kaiyo!

Alexandre's turn now...

For Mrs. Martingale.